10 Reasons Why Telegram

10  Reasons Why Telegram

1. it is Russian, WhatsApp is from USA
2. since creation, never stay out of signal, Whats 3x already, twice after facebook bought it.
3. it's faster to send messages, faster to open the app.
4. Safer, because it have a better security criptography.

5. Inside app have an option of search web pictures without need leave/close the app and search in other app, save in memory of phone to send as whats.
6. Run in 2G mobile network, if the mobile network fall from 3G to 2G in whatapp, appears as "Conecting..."
7. Fully free forever. Whats pay 0.99USD per year.
8. Have an extension of app to Google Chrome browser and installer to Windows/MAC/Linux, in my case, i installed Telegram Desktop in my PC, logged with my cellphone number like in app in phones, received a mesage of confirmation in my phone with 5 digits to insert to have certain of you are you ! kkk, and don't need send mesage only from my iPhone, i can use the app from PC like a old MSN of Microsoft.
9. i found two things in Telegram better of whatsapp... in group os mesages appears the photo of contact and the name (bullshit)... but on top of the screen when one of the contacts is typing and WHO is typing... In Whatsapp appear only the name of the grup and nothing more and when someone send a mesage in group it just appear in group without anyone know if someone is typing....

10. Telegram have a tecnology gased in cloud ( like dropbox, google drive, OneDrive ... ) and it make you have all of this syncronization of mesages between PC/phone/MAC/Linux/Chrome etc.
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